Saturday, February 20, 2021

Brexit dealing brutal blow to UK artists


The June, 2016 vote by Brits to withdraw from the European Union after 47 years struck a cruel blow to British artists.

Where they were once welcomed and free to ply their art in the EU’s 27 countries, doing so has become a daunting burden. They now have to apply for visas or short term work permits. This can cost exorbitant fees, stacks of paperwork and weeks of waiting. Perusing job ads and casting calls for Brits end abruptly with the words “Applicants must hold EU passport”. Ouch

The British art community has petitioned British PM Boris Johnson to negotiate relief. Alas, there is no relief in sight.

Brexit has given new and sad meaning to that wise aphorism ‘All passes, only art endures’. To that 52% of Brexit voters have added, “Except in the UK”.


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