Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Genitals check not required for high school girl sports

Stuck with a president suffocating pandemic, goosing the economy with stimulus for the non-wealthy, and dismantling fear and loathing of the ‘other’, the GOP is desperate for a 2022 campaign theme.
Polling shows 7% of Americans are “completely against” pro L.G.B.T.Q policies. That’s it, state Republican leaders cried, we’ll attack the Dems for wanting big muscled boys pretending to be girls, muscling their way into high school girls sports to snatch all the trophys.
Think that’s a fantasy? South Dakota may soon join Arkansas and Mississippi which passed bills preventing this imagined abomination. Two dozen other GOP controlled states are considering transgender school sports bans.
Conservative South Dakota governor and presidential hopeful Kristi Noem, mindful of how such lunacy might derail her possible 2024 run, pushed back slightly, saying the proposed ban should only apply to delicate high school girls, not female collegians.
As the father of two daughters I never worried about them competing in high school sports against a boy pretending or sincerely claiming to be a girl. That’s because thirty years ago the concept of transgenders didn’t’ exist as a societal culture war issue. Full disclosure…they played music not sports.
The GOP has lost its collective mind if they think banning transgender girls from girls’ sports is sane or winnable issue.
As an ACLU lawyer put it, “They’re acting like LeBron James is going to put on a wig and play basketball with fourth graders. And not one LeBron James, 100”.
To paraphrase Tina Turner, when it comes to GOP transgender bans, ‘What’s genitals got to do with it?’


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