Friday, August 20, 2021

Trump, Biden both did right thing on Afghan withdrawal

What we’re seeing in Kabul, as painful as it is, should not surprise us. This is what happens when imperialist powers engage in senseless wars that cannot be won. They never end well.

Vietnam didn’t. Afghanistan isn’t. Unless we get out of Iraq soon, that war won’t end peacefully as well.
If we wish to criticize anyone, it should start with George W. Bush and his war cabinet. They started an illegal, immoral and criminal war of regime change and nation building. How dare any of them now second guess our current dilemma?
Obama had eight years to end the Afghan war and punted, even tho his Vice President Biden, argued against his 2009 escalation.
Tho he got a number of innocents killed in senseless bombings, Trump made one decent move. He negotiated a firm date of May 1, 2021, sixteen months in the future, to get out.
That sent shockwaves thru the U.S. war establishment, which demonized Trump for doing the right thing.
With Biden’s election they hoped to return to perpetual war as usual. But his determination to follow thru with the withdrawal now jeopardizes their endless war gravy train.
To the critics now agonizing over Afghans at risk from the conquering Taliban, my question is….Where were you these past 20 years when our senseless war killed over a hundred thousand innocents and sent 2.7 million refugees across the border to safety from America’s 80,000 bombs?
We should acknowledge Trump’s gutsy move to set a withdrawal deadline. Hillary, a dedicated war supporter, likely would not have.
Now, more than ever, President Biden deserves our thanks and support for ending one of the worst, most grisly episodes in American history.


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