Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Sanctions expert informs Peace Coalition on America’s destructive, deadly sanctions


Investigative reporter Rick Sterling provided a devastating overview of America’s economic and political sanctions causing economic hardship, degraded health and often death around the world at yesterday’s West Suburban Peace Coalition’s Educational Forum. The topic: ‘We Don’t’ Deserve this: The Impact and Consequences of U.S. Sanctions’.
The extent of those sanctions is massive and widespread; 39 countries and 6,300 individuals. Fully a third of the world’s population suffer under U.S. sanctions. And most of them are illegal, violating international law. How so? Only the UN can impose sanctions, such as those the UN legally imposed upon North Korea. But the U.S. thumbs it nose at the UN and international law in its frenzy to make countries bend to its will without resorting to open warfare.
A recent case involving sanctions on Cuba, ongoing now for 62 years, is a case in point. Cuba, with its advanced medical industry, has developed 3 vaccines to combat covid. But the Dutch bank funding their distribution has backed away from their support for fear of retribution from Uncle Sam. U.S. sanctions have worsened sanctioned countries’ covid response in the same fashion. The U.S. even dropped out of World Health Organization, in part, to emphasize their refusal to lift sanctions.
Yet, the U.S. falsely claims their sanctions don’t apply to food and medicine. The UN and many humanitarian agencies have pleaded with the U.S. to end all sanctions during pandemic. The U.S. response is the cruelest deaf ear imaginable.
Untold thousands dead, millions on the move and at risk of starvation, wrecked economies all stemming from a form of war as lethal as a drone or plane dropped bombs. U.S. sanctions are Uncle Sam’s way of lulling his citizens into believing sanctions are a humane way of conducting foreign policy.
That must end. Sterling urged attendees to get more information on sanctions from Then join the worldwide effort to persuade America to end its perpetual wars around the world fought without bombs.


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