Monday, June 13, 2022

Griffin’s $50 million going down drain with Irvin

Illinois GOP Primary voters aren’t buying Richard Irvin’s fake conservative campaign to nab the GOP nomination for governor in the June 28 Primary.
They know Irvin was a ‘far left’ Democrat before he became a conservative fighter battling the far left. They also realize that Irvin was a big supporter of Black Lives Matter before he pivoted to promote only the 'All Lives Matter' meme of the anti Black Lives Matter crowd.
Irvin wants to be governor so desperately he skipped the Democratic Primary as a lost cause against competent, caring Governor Pritzker who speaks softly but gets results.
Instead, Irvin made a pact with the devil in the form of Illinois’ richest citizen Ken Griffin, who views Irvin as his 2022 version of do nothing Governor Bruce Rauner. Actually, Rauner delivered on Griffin’s millions by opposing unions, cutting the social safety net and refusing to address Illinois’ fiscal meltdown so Griffin could reduce his billionaire tax load.
Griffin’s $50 million, producing thousands of Irvin’s fake conservative ads, finds Irvin 15 points behind true conservative Darren Bailey. It’s gotten so bad Irvin has pulled his ads downstate where Republicans hoot at Irvin’s conservative charade. But Irvin is even losing support in suburban Chicago collar counties where Irvin hoped to win big June 28.
In his ads Irvin loves to boast he’s the Governor’s worst nightmare without offering a single alternative to Pritzker’s righting of Illinois’ financial ship while expanding the social safety net.
The real nightmare is the avalanche of Irvin’s snide, dishonest, valueless ads we’ll have to endure till June 28th, possibly all the way to November.


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