Wednesday, April 12, 2023

126 shots makes it a machine gun

 126 shots makes it a machine gun

Some gun aficionados take umbrage with me when I call rapid fire assault weapons a machine gun. They’re all in for every Tom, Dick and Jane to obtain these machine guns under auspices of the 2nd Amendment with little or no oversight. They toss out highly arcane technical terms to prove how vastly different assault weapons are from true machine guns. Mass slaughter in a few minutes at a school, theater, concert, movie or a street crowd makes no dent on their thinking or conscious whatsoever.
We’ve just learned that Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale quickly pumped 126 slugs into the school from her machine gun, killing 3 little kids and 3 school employees. Anyone who doesn’t believe America’s 20 million plus machine guns aren’t machine guns, should be required to view photos of the 126 bullets holes at The Covenant School and the blood drenched floors and chairs. Only a machine gun can accomplish that.


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