Friday, December 22, 2023

Pope’s same sex couples blessing sounds a tad like ‘Plessy v. Ferguson

 Pope’s same sex couples blessing sounds a tad like ‘Plessy v. Ferguson

Back in 1896 the US Supreme Court enshrined second class citizenship for blacks by ruling it was cool for the South to practice racial segregation with separate racial facilities. The only requirement was that separate facilities had to be equal, particularly in the crucial institution of education. The White South replied ‘sure will’ to the 7 Supremes who greenlighted the suppression of full citizenship for blacks. They then did just the opposite, spending a pittance on run down black schools while lavishing white schools with the finest. This went on for 58 years till Brown v. Board of Education began the decades long dismantling of legal segregation.The Plessy ruling popped up upon hearing of Pope Francis’ widely applauded break with Catholic teaching by authorizing priestly blessing of same sex couples. But like Plessy, he sure inserted some onerous caveats.Gay couples can now sigh with relief they will no longer be subject to “an exhaustive moral analysis” by priests who choose to comply with Pope Francis. But many will still get that ‘exhaustive moral analysis’ by priests worldwide horrified by Francis’ break with enshrined homophobia.Francis cautioned priests not to confuse blessing gay couples with sanctioning gay marriage, not even civil unions. Blessings must not allow any gestures or clothing pertaining to a marriage. During the blessing, the word ‘marriage’ dare not speak its name.Blessing couples without bestowing the full benefits of marriage and still considering them disordered and sinful sure is a strange way to practice the inclusiveness and commonality of peoplekind.
Francis’ blessing decree will meet much resistance from conservative clergy tied to archaic religious beliefs still centuries behind modern thinking. But it is a tiny step toward eventual first class citizenship for gay Catholics. Alas, at the glacial pace at which the Catholic Church modernizes, it’s possible none of present day gay couples will be around by the time married gay priests, men and women, can perform their gay marriages. 


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