Thursday, February 01, 2024

Expatriate Bruce Rauner should bud out of Chicago governance issues

 Expatriate Bruce Rauner should bud out of Chicago governance issues

If a Chicago Tribune reader of former governor Bruce Rauner’ recent op-ed on education didn't know him, he'd likely think he was a great Chicagoan.
Alas, Bruce Rauner is neither great nor a Chicagoan. Near billionaire Rauner accomplished nothing of note during his 4 year term except an unprecedented lengthy delay in passing a budget that made him appear incompetent if not simply uncaring of responsible governance.
After spending tens of millions of his enormous wealth in his failed bid to get re-elected, Rauner scooped up his remaining hundreds of millions and fled to Florida.
If Bruce Rauner was truly concerned about the quality of education and civic life in Chicago, he’d try to make a difference right here in Chicagoland instead of luxuriating in a multi-million dollar gated Florida enclave far removed from any semblance of big city reality.


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