Monday, July 01, 2024

Is Biden family engaging in elder abuse by forcing mentally declining Patriarch to stay in race?


Is Biden family engaging in elder abuse by forcing mentally declining Patriarch to stay in race?
Watching a feeble, mentally declining President literally self-destruct as a viable presidential candidate during the debate, was a sorrowful moment in presidential history. What was most disconcerting was the disconnected glare on Biden’s face in the split screen image while Trump trash talked Biden with despicable taunting. We’ve all seen that stare at assisted living and nursing homes of loved ones struggling to understand the people and world around them.
The debate sealed Biden’s demise as an electable candidate. Post debate polling of Democratic voters revealed 72% believe he lacks the mental and cognitive health to continue serving. Nearly half want him to withdraw.
But tragically for Biden and America; indeed the world, his family does not concur. They held a pow-wow at Camp David to encourage him to stay in the race. What are they thinking? Instead of trying to ease him into  retirement so he can enjoy his extended family for his limited time remaining as a functioning person, they push him to press on in a job that will likely kill him. Why are they seeking to speed up the eventual memorial service that is looming? Why are they flirting with electoral catastrophe should Biden further decline, even die during the campaign.
America’s only hope is that Joe Biden, even in serious mental decline, has more sense than his family. He should tell them to shove it and withdraw to save himself and America from a grotesque, anti-democratic monster relishing the needless spectacle that could return him to the White House.


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