Friday, September 27, 2024

Rowley op-ed fearing apathy to US unipolar world dominance is simply a pitch for endless US warfare worldwide

Rowley op-ed fearing apathy to US unipolar world dominance is simply a pitch for endless US warfare worldwide
Storer H. Rowley et al. offered a bizarre analysis lamenting voter apathy for US foreign affairs news in his Chicago Tribune op-ed ‘Americans are losing interest in our nation’s crucial role in the world.’
Rowley is aghast that polling showing declining voter interest in foreign policy will lead to new US isolationism. He fails to mention that both the Biden administration and mainstream media suppress any debate whatsoever on American adventurism abroad to create that apathy.
Voters are not stupid when it comes to having a voice in US weaponizing the Ukraine war instead of negotiating its end, enabling Israeli genocide in Gaza with over 50,000 tons of weapons, escalating tensions with China that could explode into war.
They know they have no voice since it is totally ignored, whether during an election or afterwards. Voters are spoon fed the national security state party line that any criticism of US adventurism abroad elicits the ‘isolationism’ word that hearkens back to Neville Chamberlain’s sellout of Czechoslovakia 86 years ago. Storer buys into that inapplicable analogy which the Tribune willingly amplifies.
Voters simply move on when they’re endlessly told the preposterous memes, repeated by Storer, that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked and it’s the first in Putin’s planned march into Western Europe.
Storer H. Rowley and his colleagues are entitled to promote the catastrophes America has visited upon the people of Ukraine and Gaza as the proper antidote to growing public isolationism. But the Chicago Tribune is irresponsible in signaling its readers that US adventurism abroad is truth without a semblance of opposing opinion. That is not good journalism.


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