Sunday, November 05, 2006


A telling exchange by 6th Congressional district candidates Tammy Duckworth and Peter Roskam during the Channel 11 debate October 23 , demonstrated how slickly candidate Roskam completely avoided an honest response to a critical issue facing our district and society.

On the subject of gun control Duckworth correctly pointed out Roskam's out-of-the-mainstream position opposing the ban on assault weapons. She attributed his position of rubber-stamping the NRA support of assault weapons to their financial support of his campaigns.

Roskam answered by stating that any weapon in the hands of a criminal is an assault weapon. Under that logic a single shot derringer is equivalent to an AK-47 when handled by the wrong person. In one phrase Roskam both avoided explaining his untenable position on assault weapons and trivialized the enormous human carnage these weapons reap on our citizenry each year.

The Senator abhors the nickname "Rubberstamp Roskam". But when he takes the cash and carriers the water for the NRA, he justly earns it.

Originally published in Glen Ellyn Sun, November 3, 2006


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