Monday, December 11, 2006


Don Rumsfled’s leaked memo written days before he was fired, sounds eerily like it was written with the help of Rep. John Murtha and other anti-war interests. It talks of changing course in Iraq, possibly involving some form of withdrawal. It discusses war failures more than war successes.

Could Secretary Rumsfeld be polishing up his tarnished legacy as he leaves his post by bailing out on his hither-to intransigent pro-war position which is no longer believed by anyone of substance? He, like an increasingly growing number of Bush administration officials, neo-conservative pundits, and Republican congressmen are distancing themselves as much as possible from the president’s delusional optimism about the Iraq venture.

An increasingly isolated and tragic President Bush can only be left to mutter, “Et Tu Rumsfeld”?

Originally published in Chicago Sun-Times, December 11, 2006


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