Friday, February 09, 2007


President Bush, in the escalation of his murderous, immoral war, showed us once again he knows only how to make war, not peace. He knows only how to rob the treasury for killing, not secure it for our future. He knows only how to incite the growth of terrorists, not co-opt them through high-minded global conduct. He knows only how to look for more targets such as Iran, instead of looking for points of mutual interest and exercising prudent diplomacy.

As a result he is the anti-president, saying and doing everything a decent, thoughtful leader would never contemplate. If his conduct does not constitute “high crimes and misdemeanors” deserving of impeachment then that congressional power should be stricken from the Constitution.

We deserve a decent, moral, honest president who would never sacrifice our brave soldiers with lies, scare tactics and unending propaganda to implement his grandiose dream of democracy in the Middle East.

If launching an unnecessary, bloodthirsty war is a crime, then sending an endless number of soldiers to bleed and die to avoid his day of accountability is many times worse.

America and the world deserve better.

Originally published in Glen Ellyn News, February 7, 2007


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