Monday, May 07, 2007


Bless the Congress today for standing up the President who has used the nation’s credit card like a blank check to fund an immoral and criminal war for the last 1,485 days.

Let the President veto the supplemental Iraq war spending bill simply because it requires what nearly 70% of Americans believe and want: the beginning of withdrawal with a deadline early next year for an end to military operations in Iraq.

That majority has learned the lessons of the Nuremburg War Crime Trials of 1945 to 1949: wars of choice against defenseless countries are war crimes and those who commit them risk the opprobrium and possible punishment by the world community.

We learned forty years ago during the made up Vietnam War that rulers who start wars will let an endless number of people on both sides die rather than admit the truth of their mistakes and outright wrongdoing.

When the President’s veto occurs, the Congress should pass the exact same bill, and if necessary keep sending that bill up for signature until the President comes down from his delusional isolation and heeds the will of the people.

Originally published in Daily Herald, May 6, 2007


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