Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Has there ever been a bigger exercise in futility than the Congressional death dance over the immigration reform bill?

It may be that every Senator and Congressman in the Beltway understands consciously or un-consciously this truth: De-facto amnesty in the current state of affairs allows the millions of un-documented foreign workers to keep our economy, and more importantly for the privileged, their stock portfolios, humming along just fine.

Why tinker with a system that works for the ruling affluent? They figured out pretty quickly that trumpeting the red herring of no amnesty for immigrant lawbreakers is a perfect way to sabotage any plan that might upset their gravy train.

If all those folks railing against these lawbreakers who landscape our lawns and flip our hamburgers were really interested in righting wrongs, they would demand an end to the rampant lawbreaking in the White House and Vice Presidential Palace that has led to hundreds of thousands of casualties and four million on the move to safer habitats in Iraq.

Originally published in Chicago Tribune, July 15, 2007


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