Saturday, August 18, 2007


The mantra of the Bush administration can best be summed up with the three words: Let them die”.

The “them” refers to our deceived military personnel in Iraq who are being sacrificed at a rate of nearly three per day in the made up, unnecessary and ultimately failed war in Iraq.

Their real mission is not to win a war that has no sides, no clear enemy, no measure of victory and no end in sight. It is simply to fight and die in the 130 degree heat wearing sixty or more lbs of gear so their Commander In Chief does not have to admit his wrongdoing. And three thousand, six hundred twenty-eight have done just that while the Commander In Chief continues his delusional speeches about achieving victory in the amorphous civil war that his naked aggression ignited.

Let them die at three per day and when military manpower falls short, raise the enlistment age to a man’s fifth decade, wink at previous criminal records and overlook IQ’s that fail to crack three digits. No shame or dishonor is great enough to dissuade this administration from waging endless war in Iraq while they trumpet a needless new war in Iran. When we attack Iran, their mantra will be let them die there too.

What we need even before the next election is a new government which will take as its three word mantra one that serves the needs of: “We the People”.

Originally published in Glen Ellyn Sun, August 15, 2007


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