Sunday, August 10, 2008


Two pilots, John McCain and George Bush, have both tasted blood, lots of blood.

McCain did so forty years ago dropping bombs on men, women and children from five miles high on twenty-three missions as a bomber pilot during the Vietnam War.

McCain will never know how many perished at his hand in a senseless and unnecessary war that claimed over a million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans.

Bush could have served in the same capacity as McCain but instead used his vast family political clout to evade combat in a war he now argues we cut and ran from instead of achieving glorious victory.

Instead, he waited over thirty years to wage senseless and unnecessary war on Iraq as President which has also claimed over a million lives including four thousand Americans. Having made up for lost time, his bloodlust seems unquenchable both in Iraq and Afghanistan, and possibly also in Iran before his eight years of murder and mayhem are mercifully ended.

We now are engaged in a presidential campaign between the battle tested McCain and a relative neophyte, Barack Obama. To the best of our knowledge Obama has not caused a single human sole to expire but should he be elected that will surely change. One privilege that goes with the keys to the Oval Office should give pause to anyone so weighed down by its burden – a license to kill.

President Bush embraced that privilege with a relish that should turn the stomach of any decent human being. McCain has shown not a whit of regret for the deaths he caused in a war he still glorifies. He has been taped singing “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran” to a familiar Beach Boys ode, told us “there will be more wars my friends,” and said “make it a hundred” when asked to comment on the President’s statement that we might be in Iraq for fifty years.

If past conduct is a clue, a President Obama will approach the awesome power of life and death with great trepidation. Using the same yardstick to measure McCain, one can only shudder and ask: “Who will take away his license to kill?”


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