Thursday, July 23, 2009


Two days ago my IL 6th District Congressman Peter Roskam sent me an email asking for my opinion on the debate over the Obama administration's health care. Reading further, it was not MY opinion Cong. Roskam was soliciting, but my support for HIS opinion that the House should not be required to vote on the Obama administration's health care legislation, "America's Affordale Health Choices Act (AAHCA)" before Congress adjurns in August for their long summer vacation. Roskam's reason for not voting before the summer recess? It seems our busy Congressman has not had time to read it.

Mr. Roskam, as a Congressman, enjoys one of the best health care plans our disappearing tax dollars can buy. He never has and never will have to suffer the indignity experienced by the 50 million uninsured Americans who must choose between purchasing needed health care and purchasing food, clothing and shelter. He will not be one of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who lose their health care every month with their lost job. He will forever be unaffected by the 30% of health care dollars that go to fund an immoral insurance industry which enriches itself by denying health serivices or even coverage itself to average Americans struggling to remain heathy in an unhealthy maze of bureaucratic obstacles. If passed, however, the Congressman may stand to lose the financial support of that same health care industry which has brilliantly delayed health care reform by spreading around some of the largess the current corrupt system has shoveled their way.

Cong. Roskam, like most Republicans and some Democrats who oppose any meaningful reform, has been AWOL from the debate from the getgo and is simply using the "haven't had time to read it" strategy to delay the up or down vote long enough to derail reform entirely.

As a brilliant and successful lawyer, Cong. Roskam certainly never came to court unprepared and told the judge "I haven't had time to read the case your honor". He should show the same respect and courtesy to the 50 million and growing mass of Americans who have infinately more need than the aforementioned judge to have the Congressman do his homework.

Also published in Daily Herald, July 26, 2009


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