Sunday, February 06, 2011


Observing the anti dictatorship, pro democracy movement trying to rid Egypt of its brutal and corrupt thirty year Hosni Mubarak government, Senator John McCain called it a "virus spreading throughout the Middle East" and the most "dangerous period" in modern American involvement there.

Gee, Senator McCain had no problem championing the spread of democracy in the Middle East with "shock and awe" killing hundreds of thousands in Iraq and sending a couple of million more fleeing the American Democracy Express at the point of a smart bomb fired by dummies.

McCain and his fellow war loving legislators should get a vaccine powerful enough to cure them of the truly evil virus of spreading democracy through criminal war. The wonderful virus McCain is so fearful of was incubated at Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill and Valley Forge.
It started a freedom epidemic against French tyranny in their New World slave colony Saint-Domingue, spreading unchecked for thirteen years before establishing the Republic of Haiti in 1804, the first one ruled by persons of African ancestry. This virus pulverized the Berlin Wall and a bunch of Eastern European communist dictatorships nearly two centuries later, with barely a shot being fired.

Now it is spreading to the Middle East, thanks to Nobel Peace prize nominee Wilileaks, and Twitter and the Net, which prevent tyrants from keeping their subjugated minions fearful and uninformed. Sadly, the the world's oldest existing democracy is shoveling billions at tyrants who do its bidding, making America a hated obstacle to freedom and democracy to oppressed peoples everywhere.

I can't speak to the state of Senator McCain's mental health for making such a bizarre comment, but when it comes to the virus of democracy infecting the Body Politic, McCain has a clean bill of health.


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