Sunday, November 13, 2011

Iran is winning - reply to Chicago Tribune editorial

Your November 12 editorial, "Iran is winning", should have been titled "America is losing". We are losing because once again The Trib editorial board is taking orders from the war party which never tires of ginning up new wars to feed our insatiable military industrial complex.

You supported our senseless and murderous wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya since the war party took near total control of the political process following the 911 attacks. You believed, or even more cynically, simply passed on the lies and the scare tactics about Iraq's fictitious nuclear program to help launch that criminal war and now accept the inevitability of military confrontation with Iran by claiming Senator Mark Kirk's call for all out economic war is the last chance to avoid military confrontation.

Apparently, the GOP candidates, all of which are fellow members of the war party with you except the sane Rep. Ron Paul, boned up for their debate by reading your inflammatory editorial. Here are their comments on Iran:

Mitt Romney: "If all else fails, if after all of the work we've done, there's nothing else we can do except military action, then of course you take military action."

Rick Santorum proposed that the U.S. support an Israeli strike against Iranian nuclear facilities "before the next explosion in Iran is a nuclear one, and the world changes."

You've spent ten years cheering on the funneling of trillions of our treasure into the endless money and death pit of our failed Middle East empire while America crumbles both morally and physically.

America is losing, sadly, in part, because influential media like the Tribune never learn from their mistakes.


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