Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Dear Jerry (Moore, My Suburban Life Opinions Editor): I agree whole heartedly with letter writer (and fellow Glen Ellynite) Dan Schuchardt, who argues against your editorial premise that the Tea Party and Occupy Party have more in common that they realize. Of course they don't.

The Tea Party is a creation of powerful and vocal elements of the 1%, such as fossil fuel billionaires the Koch Brothers, and former Congressman Dick Armey, current chairman of FreedomWorks, a 1% propaganda arm promoting "lower taxes, less government and more freedom", which is code for "keep your hands off my 1% wealth". It also includes their media arm Fox News, which breathtakingly covered every non-noteworthy Tea Party rally while conveniently ignoring the vicious anti Obama signs and chants.

Due to its top down origins, The Tea Party has virtually disappeared as a political force. Except when a 1% media star like Glen Beck showed up, the demonstrators were actually members of the 99% crowd now occupying Wall Street and even our own Naperville. They just didn't know it. They've melted away because they inevitably understood the 1% has nothing to offer them, and they've tired of doing the Koch Brothers' dirty work. Conversely, the Occupy Movement, a bottom up phenomenon, will only grow in size and influence because the economic despair inflicted on the 99% grows relentlessly. Even affluent Glen Ellyn is home to some of the 40 million without adequate health care, the 45 million on food stamps and the 49 million living at or near poverty.

Come on neighbor Dan, join me at next Saturday's Occupy Naperville event. We may not share the same planet but by sharing a ride, we'll reduce fossil fuel emissions and help save both planets. Heck, I'll even that a bath.

Originally published in the Glen Ellyn News, November 30, 2011


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