Tuesday, December 06, 2011


NDAA stands for the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, and it should be scrutinized by every American who cherishes our so called Freedom.

Passed 93-7 by the Senate, it essentially evicerates the Bill of Rights which guarantees every citizen the right to a trial, a lawyer, due process and the right against self-incrimination. SC Senator, Lindsay Graham, when he isn't inflamming the Senate to provoke military confrontation with Iran, has championed this onslought against ordinary citizens who the government has decided pose a security threat. On November 30th Graham offered this demented twist on American justice to his Senate colleagues...and the world: "To those Americans thinking about helping al-Qaida, please know what will come your way: death, detention, prosecution. And when they say 'I want my lawyer', you tell them: 'Shut up. You don't get a lawyer.'" Is it just a coincidence that Graham puts death and detention before prosecution?

Come on Mr. former Constitutional law professor and current President: whip out your veto pen and give Senator Graham and his 92 colleagues a lesson on Constitionalism and statesmanship. And give a tip of your Presidential hat to those seven Senators who refused to follow the mob mentality of the Senator Graham crowd: Republicans Coburn (OK), Lee (UT) Paul (KY); Democrats Harkin (IA), Merkley (OR), Wyden (OR); and Socialist Sanders (VT).


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