Wednesday, January 25, 2012


GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum flunked the "Muslim" test Monday at his Florida town hall meeting while campaigning for the crucial January 31 Florida Primary.

A woman questioner said she doesn't consider President Obama a legitimate President because "He is an avowed Muslim and ...why isn't something being done to get him out of government? He has no legal right to be calling himself President."

Rather than correct her about Obama's religion, anti-Americanism and presidential illegitimacy, Santorum tacitly validated her despicable comment by saying "Well look, I'm doing my best to get him out of office....and you're right about how he uniformly ignores the Constitution". When called out by reporters afterward about his failure to correct an obviously disturbed political partisan, Santorum shrugged and simply said it wasn't his job to correct her.

In so responding, Santorum dishonored himself and his presidential campaign. He should view tape of John McCain's most honorable moment during the 2008 election when confronted with an equally disturbed woman who told him that she fears candidate Obama because he's an Arab:
"No ma'am. He's a decent, family man citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with."

Memo to candidate Santorum: Sir, you do have a job. It is to quit the GOP presidential race and go back to civics class to learn to be a decent citizen yourself.


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