Saturday, July 21, 2012


Guns are like firecrackers...they demand that we fire them. The younger the gun toter, the quicker that demand is satisfied.

A society which allows citizens to acquire automatic weapons that fire hundreds of rounds in minutes, and acquire thousands of bullets to fill those guns, is suicidal and insane.

Man, after millions of years, has evolved into an incredibly efficient killing machine

Forget about a make believe just and loving God: the universe is random, morally neutral, and unspeakably violent.

Aside from the 12 dead at screen 9 in Century 16, approximately 10,000 other folks will be murdered by gunshot in the US this year.

Thousands more will succeed in killing themselves with a gun

About 700 will die this year from accidental shootings. Just last week, a 3 year old picked up a nearby gun and blew away pop watching TV.

Neither Presidential candidate will say boo about reducing access to despicable automatic implements of death in this election season.

NRA membership and donations will increase.

USA is still No. 1. Just don't ask me in what.

Also published in the Glen Ellyn Patch, July 21, 2012


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