Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cong. Roskam: Don't wait for constituent's needless death to turn you against failed Afghan war‏

Cong. Peter Roskam
US House of Representatives
Washington DC

Dear Cong.Roskam:

As a 100% supporter of the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex, you vote every dollar to fund our senseless, murderous and failed Afghan war. Long ago you apparently decided that endless war is good for your presumed lifetime career in Congress as there is much to gain and little to lose personally from your support. But that support is not good for the 2,121 Gi's killed and thousands more maimed in body and mind in a war marking its eleventh year in two weeks.

I'd like to remind you about one of those 2,121 dead GI's, Staff Sgt. Matt Sitton of Largo, FL. Sitton, 26, was killed August 2, by a IED (improvised explosive device), one of the leading causes of those 2,121 US war deaths. What makes Sitton's death so haunting is that he predicted his death by IED in a letter to his Congressman, C.W. Bill Young, a fellow church member of the Sitton family in Florida's 10th Congressional District. In it, Sitton expressed his outrage that he and his men were forced to trudge through fields laden with improvised explosive devices. Rep. Young was so moved by Sitton's predicted death that he has changed his mind about lockstep support for the Afghan war and now calls for prompt, safe return of our forces before the tentative December 31, 2013, timeline. Young states Sitton's death was the catalyst that caused him to change his mind.

Congressman, some of the 68,000 brave soldiers still forced to fight this futile war at your behest come from our IL 6th District. Let's hope you, unlike your colleague Bill Young, don't have to read the haunting voice of one of them begging you for an end to this madness before he or she becomes one of its unnecessary victims. Before that happens, Congressman, listen to the only voice you need to in order to work for endless peace instead of endless war - your conscience.

Respectfully yours,

Walt Zlotow
IL 6th District resident


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