Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Memo to GOP: preserve RINO's, ditch dinosaurs

The dinosaurs who roam the Republican landscape have, for the past four years under President Obama, been devouring RINO'S (Republicans in name only) with great relish. Disguised as Tea Party Patriots complete with tri-corner hats and grotesque signs bearing demeaning images of a first class President, they purged any Republican who expressed even an inkling of moderation and willingness to compromise with Democrats to improve our nation (hence the brickbat: Republican in name only). Some of these RINO's like Senators Richard Luger of Indiana and Olympia Snow of Maine, simply recoiled in a Jurassic Park horror at these looming carnivores and retired. Others, like moderate Missouri businessman John Brunner (who lost to bizarre rape commentator Todd Akin) braved the dinosaurs in Senatorial primaries and were served up as lunch with dinosaur tea.

All these Tea Party dinosaurs managed to accomplish, or more appropriately, wreck, was the sure GOP bet to takeover the Senate and turn it into a 55-45 Democratic majority (including 2 independents who will caucus with the Democrats).

If the GOP doesn't want to disappear as certainly as the reptilian dinosaurs, its leaders better put their remaining RINO's on a preserve that's off limits to the human dinosaurs still rampaging incoherently on the GOP reservation; and pray they can coax a new breed of RINO to test the GOP waters. And if really smart, they will not add any Kool-Aid.


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