Monday, July 08, 2013

Swiss cheese city

Reading about the 65 Chicagoans sporting bullet holes over the July 4th weekend, I've come up with a foolproof way to curb gun violence. Just give Illinois' law abiding folks the right to carry and conceal firearms. Then, the criminal guntoters will think twice and not dare draw their 25 shooter as they risk instant retribution from the armed good guys. Rather then a namby pamby bill allowing conceal and carry, lets make it real generous to the virtuous.

My proposal allows the good guys to carry their heat into saloons, work places, any business in fact that doesn't expressly prohibit it. They can carry as many guns and as many bullets as they can stuff into their pants, boots, shirts and coats. No need to check on their mental stability as anyone saying he's a good guy must be a good guy. To avoid needless government bureaucracy we'll exempt the Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board from the Open Meetings Act and the Freedom of Information Act. We'll define "concealed" as "mostly concealed" just in case the piece is sticking out a bit.  Finally, we'll exempt any peace loving guntoter from having to tell the Fuzz he's concealing and carrying as it's none of Officer Unfriendly's  business.

Upon reflection, those conditions might be a bit extreme. No legislature in their collective right mind would pass such a bill, would they?


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