Sunday, September 08, 2013

Congressman Roskam: Dump war party; vote NO to criminal Syrian bombing

If you call Illinois 6th District Congressman Peter Roskam's Chicago or Washington office, asking whether he'll vote Yes or No to our impending criminal bombing of Syria, you'll get this response: "He hasn't made his mind up, yet". However, based on his seven year congressional record of funding much of the trillion dollars used to finance our senseless military adventurism in the Middle East and Africa, don't bet against him voting Yes. Roskam is one of the most loyal congressmen to the war party which has decided that another war is just what's needed to show we still matter in Middle East politics. They need the money and the power and the "rush" that comes from firing our weaponry upon defenseless innocents in complete violation of international and US law. They got away with it in Iraq for eight years without a single consequence or punishment, even though they were responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, including 4,422 GI's. And with them on Iraq from his inauguration in 2007 till it was mercifully ended in 2011, without a peep of protest, was our Congressman Peter J. Roskam.

Back in the 2006 College of DuPage congressional debate, when asked what his strategy was for winning in Iraq, Roskam answered he didn't have a strategy to win, just a goal that it "end well so we don't have to go back". We've reduced Iraq to a pitiful hulk of a once proud land with thousands still killed or wounded monthly from the civil war we ignited and not a word from the congressman about  going back.  Go to Roskam's website, and try to find a reference about our failed militarism in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and soon to be targeted Syria. Roskam keeps wise council with the war party and has scrubbed his website clean of any references to the criminality he helps enable.

I will continue to call his office daily asking for his decision and pleading for him to vote down this insanity. If thousands more call demanding the same, there is still hope that Roskam will choose political expediency over war party loyalty. It is said that hope dies last. In this important matter it should neither be hope...nor the Syrians being targeted by our cruise missiles. 


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