Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sen. Kirk's recklessness puts us at in jeopardy

Even Senator Mark Kirk, the leading saboteur of the promising five power effort (US, Britain, France, China and Russia) to achieve détente in the 35 year long isolation of Iran from the world community, outdid himself with his shocking and reckless of comment:
"The American people will have committed a grievous foreign precedent similar to Neville Chamberlain giving away Czechoslovakia at the beginning of World War II. The path of appeasers always leads directly to war -- it just increases the appetite of the other side. Appeasers always lead directly to war. You can give Czechoslovakia to Hitler and he wants more. If you give billions of dollars to the Iranians, you're probably leading directly to conflict."
What Kirk never will acknowledge is that the current five power Joint Plan of Action, scheduled to begin a six month test next week, not only represents unprecedented agreement of the five major powers involved, it includes rare agreement among State, Defense and the White House that sensible negotiations instead of sabre rattling are needed to end the crisis. Nor will Kirk address the fact that virtually everyone involved in the Iran détente process correctly posit that Kirk's Iran Nuclear Weapons Free Act of 2013 will almost certainly torpedo détente, making war much more likely. That might suit the only state sponsors of destroying the current Iranian regime, Saudi Arabia and Israel, but it will be disastrous for everyone else. 
When Kirk played the Hitler and Munich cards to further his obsession, he crossed the line of responsible foreign policy advocacy. Iran hasn't attacked anyone in nearly 200 years. Kirk, on the other hand, is a certified war promoter, having voted for every one of the several trillions of dollars to get hundreds of thousands killed, including 6,779 GI's in two senseless and failed Middle East wars. What really motivates Kirk is indecipherable. Is it the $1.6 million funneled into his campaign war chest by the Israel Lobby between 2002 and 2010? Is it an obsession with militarism and war that inspired him to pad his military resume when running for the Senate in 2010? Could it be that the devastating January, 2012 stroke that kept him out of the Senate for a year has diminished his ability for rational thought? Or is it something deeply buried in the dark recesses of his war loving mind? 
While only Kirk can answer that question, every Illinoisan who values peace should demand Senator Kirk stand down from his recklessness that puts us all in jeopardy. Tell him to go to Iraq and go to Afghanistan for awhile to sample how well his warmongering worked there. I suspect Kirk would return a chastened and better Senator...and man.


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