Monday, February 03, 2014

Pretty Boy and the Bully

The civil war in the Republican Party, pitting the establishment, socially moderate Wall Street Banksters versus the evangelical and tea party culture warriors is real and potentially disastrous for their plans to regain the White House. The Wall Street crowd has failed twice with terribly flawed candidates, Sen. John McCain in 2008 and billionaire Mitt Romney in 2012. McCain tried to placate the evangelical tea party crowd with Sarah Palin as Veep but that backfired as utterly foolish and unqualified Sister Sarah dragged the once maverick McCain down like a rock. Mitt picked a more intelligent and qualified (albeit heartless) mate in Paul Ryan, but self destructed when caught telling essential GOP truth to a hidden camera that the needy of America are a bunch a moochers not worthy of his entreaties for support.  Oh yes. They both faced one of the most brilliant politicians and acting presidents in history in former community organizer, law professor, state and federal senator Barack Obama.

The Wall Street billionaires thought they had elected a dream team in 2009 with the ascension of gorgeously handsome Bob McDonald, and no nonsense, tough talking macho-man Chris Christie to the governorships of two key presidential states, Virginia and New Jersey. The Wolves of Street wasted no time elevating these two Godsends to the GOP heights. McDonald was tapped to give the GOP response to the president's 2010 State of the Union address just two weeks into his governorship. Christie gave the Keynote Address at the 2012 Republican convention after deciding not to run in the Republican presidential race. He was vetted by candidate Romney and almost picked to be Mitt's VP choice. Then he won a smashing 2013 re-election race with significant Democratic and independent support, making him the clear frontrunner for the 2016 presidential race.

Both have now exploded in crime and scandal; Pretty Boy Gov. McDonnell, renamed Gov. McGifty for his indictment  accepting hundreds of thousands of cash and gifts for promoting a businessman's health care product, is finished in politics and possibly freedom as well. Gov. Christie has gone from leading Democratic Hillary Clinton in an imagined 2016 matchup, to being booed at public appearances for his myriad of thuggish scandals and YouTube highlight reel bullying and abusing the little people of New Jersey who dare ask him pointed questions. Christie's presidential balloon has been irretrievably punctured and finishing his second term, only a week old, is truly in jeopardy.

Good riddance to both. They are unworthy individuals who have spent much time betraying the public trust. The GOP Wall Street wing now views with dismay the new GOP frontrunner, goofy evangelical know nothing Mike Huckabee who recently disgraced himself by complaining about the female sex drive causing them to look for Uncle Sugar (Sam) to give them their monthly fix of birth control. So much for GOP reach out to the female vote, deserting the GOP in massive numbers. When they see that the most admired Republican today is the aforementioned half governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, they're beginning to resign themselves to the hated Obama being followed for eight years by the hated Hillary.

Moral of this story? Flawed policies and flawed philosophy attract flawed candidates.


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