Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Concealed weapon leads to senseless death

Joseph Wilcox, 31, didn't need to die in the horrific anti government terrorist incident in Las Vegas Sunday. The two Las Vegas cops had no such option as they were gunned down simply because they were the first convenient target for the murderous duo who later killed themselves after their short, bloody 'revolution' against authority ended. But civilian Wilcox, carrying a legal concealed weapon, felt brave enough to play cop and confronted guntoter Jared Miller in the Walmart across the street from the cop killer scene. Not a trained cop, Wilcox rushed past Jared's wife and crime partner Amanda, who shot him to death as he confronted Jared.  That dramatically illustrates the danger of conceal carry. Wilcox died but the bloodbath could have been worse if he opened fire on Miller and shot some truly innocent bystanders instead. Carrying a concealed weapon may make one feel safer, but the odds are it will more likely be used to one's detriment rather than one's benefit, and the detriment of the public as well.


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