Saturday, November 15, 2014

Beebe grants a freebee

"Hi Pops. I am asking for a second chance at life. I am asking for a second chance to be the man that I know that I can be,"

With those words, Kyle Beebe, son of Arkansas Governor, Mike, asked for a pardon from dear ol' dad for a marijuana conviction eleven years ago. The governor conveniently has pardon power in his gubernatorial tool kit. And Pops Beebe granted the pardon saying, "All of the families that go through that. It's tough on the families, but hopefully the kids learn."

Isn't that special? Actually, we should pardon every single one of millions of folks who have a marijuana conviction and their record and are not otherwise lawbreakers or seriously anti social. Unfortunately, the disastrous War On Drugs has snared and ruined the lives of millions of otherwise decent folks and cost untold billions trying to stamp out recreational (and medicinal) consumption of a relatively harmless plant. Alas, a disproportionate number of them are minorities, poor, or the marginalized, and not related to politicians in high places.

How 'bout a "Kyle Beebe Law" to implement that policy faster than you can say, "Son, you're pardoned. Have a good life"


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