Saturday, November 08, 2014

Roskam's deception on health law deplorable

After eight years as my congressman, Peter Roskam has honed political sophism, the art of using false arguments to deceive voters, to perfection. Consider his take on the Affordable Care Act which has been a signature Roskam deception concerning good governance. During the campaign, Roskam argued that the Affordable Care Act began with worthy goals but is failing to deliver. For the past six years Roskam never once told voters what those worthy goals were: giving 40 million needy Americans a chance for good health, financial security and avoiding needless, early death. While tens of thousands were dying yearly and tens of millions were incurring bankruptcy and bad hearth from our heartless political system, Roskam was doing everything in his misguided power to keep those folks in that same deplorable condition. He even helped lead a 16 day government shutdown, inflicting severe economic damage, because he and his Tea Party colleagues couldn't destroy the ACA with conventional governance.

But even worse than ignoring the substance of those "worthy goals" is his astounding falsehoods about its outcomes. When he says it "is failing to deliver", he avoids the truth that it has brought many millions their first health care relief ever, lowered premiums well below expectations, and is steadily bringing down the heretofore endless health care spending spiral. This translates into less folks going bankrupt, suffering declining health and dying. It is a remarkable societal improvement.

Maybe the congressman should visit the homes of some families who lost a loved one from lack of heath insurance. Then he should meet with families now being helped by its critically mandated benefits. Roskam loves to meet with folks who will bolster his extreme anti government agenda. That only serves his obsessive reliance on political sophism, not good governance nor the people.


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