Saturday, November 22, 2014

COD President, Board of Trustees joined at hip in spending scandal

Memo to College of DuPage President Robert Breuder and his supporters on the Board of Trustees:

The spending and state funding aide scandal will not go away because you are tired of hearing about it. You can't will it away. You can't shout it away. You can't sanction away a critical Board member from exposing it. You cannot claim it's a vast, right wing conspiracy of made up lies. You can't justify thousands of dollars in lunches and parties at a fake college restaurant by saying it's a good "bonding" experience and that the thousands of dollars are a pittance of the $186 million operating budget. You can't make the criticism go away by charging your critics are destroying a "treasure." The treasure is the dedicated faculty and the striving students.

The time has come for the Board to address serious allegations of hidden payments to no bid vendors. The time has come for the Board to address obscene remuneration and "extras" you've lavished on President Breuder and also address the "extras" he has lavished on you. The COD's Faculty Association's "No Confidence" vote needs to be addressed forthrightly instead of the Board pretending it wasn't issued months ago.

If President Breuder is unwilling to do the right thing and fade into retirement, and the Board is unwilling to do their duty to fully and fairly investigate the charges swirling around COD and publicized throughout the nation, then step aside and allow this long overdue due diligence be completed by an impartial authority.


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