Saturday, December 13, 2014

Calling Congressman Roskam

There is a Main Street but no Wall Street in my Congressman Peter Roskam's DuPage County home town. But when it comes to serving the middle class of Main Street, Roskam's loyalty is 900 miles away on Wall Street. That's where the money to fund campaigns and buy political friends really resides. Thursday, Wall Street got Roskam and another 161 Republicans to vote for the $1.1 trillion Omnibus spending bill which has a poison pill for Main Street and ...a gilded pill for Wall Street. That is the provision, largely written by Citigroup and their Wall Street buddies, to roll back the provision in the Dodd Frank financial reform bill which restricted derivative trading, one of the biggest causes of the 2008 financial collapse. Jaime Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan Chase, personally called lawmakers to vote for the derivatives repeal measure.

I don't know if Roskam got one of Dimons's pleas. But during his first eight years in Congress...when Wall Street calls, Congressman Roskam answers.


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