Thursday, March 19, 2015

Aftershocks: GOP needs a new darling to be relevant

GOP leaders are in a tizzy over the precipitous flameout of their Golden Boy, Congressman Aaron Schock, who resigned Tuesday amid endless financial shenanigans. Schock's new gig is trying to avoid jail. Likely, we won't see any pics of Schock's chiseled pecks on his Instagram account as he huddles fully clothed with legal council.

If Schock was the new 'face' of the GOP, they have zero chance of becoming relevant. If up to ...him, 16.4 million desperate folks would not have health care under the ACA; our Guantanamo Gulag would be busting at the seems; there wouldn't have been an economic stimulus which kick-started the spectacular Obama recovery. If up to him, considered the most closeted gay Congressman, gays would not be marrying and not serving in the military. Oh yes, Schock thinks water boarding, indeed all forms of torture are cool, and abortion is best reserved for the back alley.

But Aaron Schock did show us "You can play in Peoria." As of now he plays nowhere else.


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