Sunday, June 21, 2015

Time for new US motto?

The unofficial motto "Land of the free; home of the brave" is a bit arrogant. Every land has brave people and many have free people, especially the needy, who are much freer than our needy, shut out from critical government services. The official motto: "In God We Trust" is a relic from the 1950's McCarthy era Cold War hysteria. We needed a narrative to distinguish us with Russia. Voila! Russia represents godless atheism; US has god on its side....NOT.... Besides, atheism is the fastest growing belief system in the land of the godtrusters.

How bout "Massacre capital of the civilized world"? It distinguishes America from every other civilized country and exemplifies our "can shoot" mentality. Have a grudge? Grab one of the 300 million guns floating around and start blasting. We've experienced 70 gun massacres (4 or more killed in one burst) since 1982; 33 since just 2006. 2012 was a doozy with 7, one every 52 days, giving America bragging rights no country seeks to emulate.

It's certainly more accurate and representative than the current motto; but might be tough to fit on a dime.


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