What would a catastrophe look like?
When former VP Dick Cheney appeared on CBS Sunday Morning to re-write the history of his criminal war in Iraq, he was asked about the current chaos there involving the Islamic State. Cheney put the whole blame on President Obama saying, "We left Iraq in pretty good shape." If hundreds of thousands dead, millions displaced and tons of depleted uranium from American WMD lying around to kill and main for decades is "pretty good shape", I wonder what it might take for Cheney to declare a catastrophe? Oh yes, it's Obama's efforts, along with Russia, China, Britain and France, to head off an even worse war in Iran which Cheney is working feverishly to sabotage. Cheney should be shunned from speaking in the media, doing all his talking in a war criminal court of law instead. But CBS has to sell Cheney's new book they own, through affiliate Simon & Shuster.
That's American capitalism in 2015: enabling and excusing war criminals to make a buck.
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