Monday, December 14, 2015

Cruz's 'festival of fraud' applies to entire GOP field

Chicago Tribune columnist Steve Chapman took up almost a full page Sunday to deconstruct presidential candidate Ted Cruz's "cynical demagoguery" denying climate change in his quest for the presidency. 
Chapman was merciless in his Cruz criticism. He correctly pointed out Cruz's outright lying and hypocrisy in using denial of the undeniable, the inexorable march of climate change which puts mankind in great peril, to further his presidential ambitions. He calls Cruz's campaign a "traveling circus of fraud."
Yet, everything Chapman said of Cruz could be said about every single GOP presidential contender. Consider Mike Huckabee, a huckster par excel lance, who said "A beheading (from ISIS) is a far greater threat to an American that a sunburn". How bout Marco Rubio who says any efforts to halt climate change aren't worth all the jobs it will cost. Then there is Jeb!, a converted Catholic, who says Pope Francis is a great spiritual leader but should stay the Hell out of politics in promoting climate change urgency. Chris Christie's big gut tells him climate change isn't a big deal. The Donald may be the most delusional, claiming climate change is a hoax concocted by the Chinese to wreck our economy. 

Mother Earth just got a teensy-tiny reprieve from the great nations she spawned who finally concluded a climate change accord in Paris. Of the nine GOP pretenders who take the main stage tomorrow to out demagogue each other for the GOP brass ring, only one...that's right, only one, John Kasich, even acknowledged it! No he didn't support it; he said that "even the Obama administration knows it's gonna be a job killer."

Steve Chapman called out Ted Cruz for his NPR interview Chapman described as "six minutes of nonstop mendacity". What Chapmen should have spent nearly a page of valuable Tribune ink on is the entire GOP presidential field's two years of nonstop mendacity on climate change.


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