Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Hillary's no-fly zone for Syria is warmongering insanity

"Imposing a no-fly zone would require as many as 70,000 US Servicemen to dismantle Syria's sophisticated anti aircraft system and then provide a 24 hour watch over the entire country." - Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, NY Times, 2013.
Hillary Clinton's call to impose a no fly zone over Syria, in order to effect regime change against the elected President Assad, amounts to a declaration of war against the Syrian government. By extension, it puts the US on a collision course for war with Russia, Syria's ally, and major user of aircraft to defend Syria from rebels forces, including ISIS.
One can only trust Clinton has no intention of implementing such a suicidal policy should she ascend to the presidency. She is surely just trolling for votes from that vast number of ignorant, uninformed voters who value bellicosity against the imagined foes of the shining city on the hill. But given her vote to launch our murderous, criminal Iraq war, and her zealous support of our murderous bombing campaign that ousted Libyan strongman Qaddafi, spiraling both countries into chaos, we cannot be certain.
You will never hear Bernie Sanders pander for votes by trumpeting new and senseless war. That's why I'm feeling the bern till the last vote is counted. And when it is, I think the more peaceful candidate will win.


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