Monday, December 21, 2015

Chicago rags disgrace journalism

It's sad to see the biggest feature on the front page on all three Chicago dailies headline another pathetic Bear loss, this one eliminating them from the playoffs. Sun-Times garnered gold for dumbing down the day's news with a full, that's right, full page showing Bear players slammed in the turf with the headline, "Beatdown! Bears suffer third straight loss in ugly game." The Trib took silver for a huge pic of QB Cutler being sacked underscored by the snarky headline 'Seasons Beatings.' The Daily Herald only got bronze with a page wide headline "Playoffs? Nope!", and a pic of 2 Bear fans at the game with paper bags over their head to hide their embarrassment.
if every reader had even a scintilla of interest, which most don't, in the brain destroying game of professional football, leading with such a worthless, meaningless bit of entertainment instead of real news is partly why we have possibly the worst informed public in the industrialized world. Instead of the decade long sports failure called the Bears, how about making the top story the ten Iraqi soldiers one of our numerous errant bombs blew to bits in Iraq. Or maybe the dozens of hate crimes against American Muslims, or Americans who look like Muslims, fomented by Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and the toothpicks masquerading as president timber trolling for votes from the haters in their party.
Come on Chicago papers, William Randolph Hearst and Joe Pulitzer, who invented Yellow Journalism over a century ago are long dead. It's time to treat your readers and your profession with the decency and respect it deserves. We're tired of being treated like mushrooms: kept in the dark and fed manure.


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