Monday, April 04, 2016

Neocon money on Cruz over The Donald

The neocons who helped launch our criminal war against Iraq have been mostly sidelined since the election of Barack Obama. But they see Ted Cruz as their ticket back to power and unfettered war on Islam. They want nothing to do with The Donald, who, in calling out Bush's lies to attack Iraq, lies they put in his unintelligible mouth, is the only Republican honest enough to charge him, inadvertently, with war crimes. They revel in Cruz'splan to tear up the 5 Power-Iran nuclear agreement, the most war preventing measure of the past generation. He pledges to utterly destroy ISIS, even if it makes the sand glow in the Middle East, an unsubtle reference to nuking what is merely a rag tag group of ten to twenty thousand members dispersed among millions of innocents. Cruz loves empire building up to Russia's doorstep through NATO, even though that may be the most likely tripwire to another US-Russia nuclear confrontation. Most important, Cruz grovels at the feet of Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu, a leader who is arguably Cruz's real Commander In Chief. The neocon assault against The Donald, led by Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, Robert Kagan, Charles Krauthammer and others, does not serve the interests of peace. President Carter was correct in tabbing the fanatically Evangelical Dominionist Cruz a bigger threat to peace than soulless panderer The Donald, who like a broken clock, gets it right twice a day, at least regarding criminal war.


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