Thursday, November 10, 2016

States cool with cannabis; Uncle Sam still nodding off

The four corners of the US are going to pot...cannabis that is. From California and Nevada in the west to Maine and Massachusetts in the east, millions of Americans have been added to the recreational variety Tuesday. Millions more in Florida, North Dakota, Arkansas and Montana will be getting medical relief from the medicinal version. Only recalcitrant Arizona turned down the opportunity to 'Don't happy.'

Meanwhile Uncle Sam is still nodding off...failing to gain insight into the quiet revolution battering down the 80 year federal war on cannabis created to demonize minorities and outsiders in lily white America. Its continuation as a Class 1 drug as harmful as cocaine or heroin is insane. Its stigma as not having any medical value is refuted by tens of millions getting relief without the cost of highly toxic and debilitating synthetic drugs is deplorable.

Even the Trump electoral wave can't dampen the enthusiasm generated by the greatest one day gain in the inevitable march to full legalization of cannabis in all 50 states. You may be 240 years old dear Uncle, but you can never be too old to step up to higher ground.


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