Friday, April 07, 2017

LGBT community, all of us, served by rejection of anti transgender agreement clique in Palatine

Congrats to Anna Kimkowitz, Bob Lefevre Jr. and Ed Jung who defeated Kath David, Ralph Bonatz and Jean Forest in Palatine High School District 211 race Tuesday. The winners are committed to continued progress in opening Palatine's school potties to transgenders, as achieved in the 2015 consent agreement with Uncle Sam against furious opposition from the fearful, ignorant and yes, hateful people seeking to keep them in the shadows. This four year long battle for decency and dignity may go on for years as fanatical religious groups and their minority cadre of parents are suing to overturn any accommodation to transgenders in Palatine schools, regardless of the harm it does to transgenders in preventing crimes that simply don't exist. But it least they will continue to confront a board united to preserve the inevitable march of progress, not only for transgenders...but for all of us.


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