Thursday, November 09, 2017

Yemen in the time of cholera, Part III

In Part II, I urged support support for the upcoming November 2 vote in the US House on Concurrent Resolution 81 which, if passed, would have forced an end to America's illegal, criminal support of Saudi Arabia's war against neighboring Yemen. The war has killed tens of thousands, inflicted cholera on possibly a million Yemenis, and brought millions more to near starvation, in the world's worst humanitarian catastrophe. H.Con.Res.81 is authorized by the War Powers Act of 1973, which guarantees a floor vote on ending presidential imposed military action by any congressman seeking to end such action. But the night before, House leadership under Speaker Ryan, ruled that 1,778 tanker refueling missions pumping 54 million pounds of fuel into 7,564 Saudi bombing missions does not constitute 'introduction of United States Armed Forces includes the assignment of member of such armed forces to command, coordinate, participate in the movement of, or accompany the regular or irregular military forces of any foreign country or government when such military forces are engaged…’ (War Power Act of 1973). Since Ryan ruled we weren't at war, the War Powers Act doesn't apply, the resolution isn't privileged and the vote was cancelled. He did compromise, allowing debate and vote on a non-binding resolution next week.
That is the way it works in an America controlled by the war party who use perpetual war to gain power and wealth on the bodies of the innocents we destroy and the American treasure we squander. But we in the peace party will cheer on the 4 sponsors of now cancelled H.Con.Res.81 and their 39 co-sponsors who will take the House floor next week to shine a light on our dastardly, cowardly destruction of the pitiful country of Yemen.


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