Friday, December 08, 2017

Roskam needs more appropriate family for tax cut ad

Surf the net and Congressman Peter Roskam's (IL-6) ad touting his advertised middle class tax cut might pop up. How he determined the person to thank the congressman for giving her back exactly $1,223 in tax relief is a mystery since many such middle class tax payers will get little or no relief; indeed, many will pay more. The falsity of the ad pitch is clear. But what would be accurate is if Roskam had one of the 5,500 taxpayers each year who pay an estate tax on their excess estate wealth over $11 million who will reap an average tax savings of $3.6 million. Those are the folks, along with the wealthyist corporate and individual income earners, who are Roskam's base and the real beneficiaries of the Roskam led tax giveaway. And the folks getting little or nothing? Their pain from this reverse Robin Hood tax bill will only increase when Roskam and his merry men in Congress come after their Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid to offset the gigantic hole this 1.5 trillion dollar wealth transfer opens up in the deficit. The short tile for this impending financial disaster should be 'No Entitlement Left Behind.' 


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