Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A missed anniversary

Did you, like me, miss the big news story of the 15th anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom on the news yesterday? If so, wasn't your fault cause it wasn't aired. Mainstream media, like the government, doesn't mention our failed, criminal war that began March 19, 2003, if at all possible. I still remember hosting a St. Joseph Day celebration that night where the talk focused on the utterly insane war based on lies, fear, intimidation and loathing that was actually underway. After the failed Vietnam War which I protested as a teenager, I didn't believe we'd make a similar mistake, but we did. Never underestimate the ferocious zeal of the war party, including the military, the media, the weapons makers, and of course our leaders, who thrive on ginning up enemies and causes to fight, squandering trillions and getting millions killed, maimed or homeless in the process. Our criminal Iraq war, tho out of the news, still goes on with 5,000 pieces of canon fodder futilely trying to keep peace between Sunnis and Shi'ites in a broken, defiled Iraq. The war has spread like a cancer into Syria, Yemen and parts of Africa. We helped create al Qaida in Iraq; then march into other countries to combat them there. A great business model for the war party; a catastrophe for mankind. We never learn and apparently never will unless the people rise up and demand this madness stop. Alas, that would involve turning away from those dancing stars and bachelor-bacheloretts long enough to give peace a chance.


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