Thursday, March 22, 2018

Rauner victory speech steeped in pandering, delusion,

Bruce Rauner has perfected the art pretending his first 38 months as governor was anything but the abrogation of the basic principles of good governance. In his cold, cruel victory speech Tuesday, given before his opponent conceded, he omitted he didn't secure a single one of his proposed 44 reform measures. He didn't fess up to worsening every indicator of Illinois' economic health: budget solvency, timely paid bills, expanding taxpayer base, among others. He neglected to mention the myriad of social safety net resources reduced or even abolished under his governance. He offered not a single serious proposal to improve life for us 13,000,000 Illinoisans...unless you're a member of the 'less taxes for the well off, less services for everybody else' club. He doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on his worthless mantra that he's the guy who can smite the imagined crooks running the other party. His endless bashing of Mike Madigan is as tiresome and worthless as Bush's endless bashing of Saddam Hussein. That won't repair his base, utterly fractured by the Queen of Mean, Jeanne Ives, but it does make him feel good about a hopeless cause pushed by a man utterly tone deaf to what good governance requires. Rauner should have examined his floundering failure these past three years, and channeled Tom Buchanan in 'The Great Gatsby' who "smashes everything up and retreats back into his money." Instead he dipped into his countless millions to eek out victory over one on the scariest, cold-hearted persons to ever seek the governorship. Now he faces a fellow billionaire who, fortunately, possesses both a heart and a soul. That's a good choice for the electorate this November.


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