US newspapers bow to war party as if US a totalitarian state.
On April 7, 2017, the US bombed Syria over an unsubstantiated Syrian gas attack on opposition rebels 3 days earlier. No evidence ever
supported the allegation and no effort was made to seek approval of the strike. One year and 7 days later the US repeated the action over an unsubstantiated Syrian gas attack a week earlier. Only one of the hundred top US newspapers, the Houston Chronicle, opposed the 2017 strike. The results this year were worse -- not one opposed it. Twenty supported the strike. Six were ambiguous on the issue. Seventy-four offered no opinion at all, including the Houston Chronicle. Seven of the top ten papers supported the strike, including Wall Street Journal, NY Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and our own Chicago Tribune.
In a democracy we rely on a free press to tell the truth and push back against illegal, immoral and criminal war. Alas, that never happens
in America where virtually our entire mainstream media is in the tank for the war party. If this were Nazi Germany, or any number of totalitarian states, that would be understandable. Life in a concentration camp or premature death by the state would account for such an editorial policy. In America it's explained at best by professional self interest. At worst, cowardice.
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