Monday, May 21, 2018

Bars should not bar right to vote

If one of the purposes of prison is rehabilitation, then it's important to let every soul behind bars vote. Just two states, albeit among the smallest, Maine and Vermont, follow that humane principle. No one has yet to point out one iota of harm from such inclusion. The remaining 48 practice some form of disenfranchising backwardness, from a tad less progressive to abominable:
15 states plus DC, including IL, only bar people in prison from voting
3 states return right to vote after prison and parole
20 add completing probation before restoring vote
10 states never restore right to vote, permanently disenfranchising over 5,000,000 citizens and making a mockery about 'paying your debt to society'.
The other millions on parole or probation must also be given the franchise if we want to truly begin the rehabilitation process and reduce recidivism. We'll never know how may failed lives can be reclaimed and how many billions can be saved till we do the right thing on the felon franchise.


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